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The purpose of my design project is to create 200 units of housing for the in city of Palm Spring, Coachella Valley in California. The existing lot is around 600’ by 600’. The concept of my project, porosity, is to design a system with openings to enable natural light, wind, and air through the interior spaces. The system is part of the landscape and the units grow out of the landscape. The density and openings are related to the layout of the plan. The North of the system has denser openings that serve as atrium of the interior.

The South of the system has less dense and the geometry gradually becomes flat near the south corner for landscape purposes. The organic geometry allows light, wind, and air to circulate inside the units. The flat surface is for gardens, outdoor spaces, common spaces, and landscaping. The first two floors is mainly design for commercial, such as retail, social services, workshop, entertainment, kitchen, and so on. The above floors are for residential. The intersecting manifolds created dynamic circulation both interior and exterior.

*click image to enlarge details

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